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How to Make Kid’s Trips to Stamford Family Dentists Easy

Newfield Dental Stamford Family Dental Clinic in Stamford
02 Nov 2021

How to Make Kid’s Trips to Stamford Family Dentists Easy

Going to the dentist can be a stressful experience for the whole family. Many children (and adults, too!) have an aversion to the Dentist’s office after a bad past experience or hearing negative things through the grapevine. However, there are a few things you can do to make trips to a family dental clinic in Stamford much less stressful.

Below are a few of Newfield’s favorite tips to make family trips to the general dentist a breeze.

Talk to Your Kids About the Dentist

The best way to alleviate the fear of the dentist is to understand why they are afraid in the first place. In many cases, children follow their parents’ lead in terms of apprehension to the clinic, and may not actually have a tangible reason for their dislike of the dentist.

Speaking positively about your past experiences at the dentist’s and regarding your own dental health, as well as making future trips sound like an exciting outing, can go very far in terms of making your kids comfortable with the ordeal. Similarly, explaining why dental care is important for your oral health and overall wellbeing can help them see the benefit in maintaining a healthy smile.

A useful tip is to make a list of all the questions and concerns that your children (and you!) have about their trip to the dentist’s office. You can ask these questions to an assistant, hygienist, or dentist to get an answer straight from the source. This can help back up your own statements about good experiences at the dentists and leave them reassured.

Check Out the Dentist’s Website

By looking over the dentist’s website by yourself, and potentially later with your kids as well, you can learn the ins and outs of the services they provide, who you’ll be meeting, and any special COVID-era check-in procedures that need to be followed.

This can help put both you and your children at ease by knowing what to expect and providing a good opportunity to prepare for your appointments.

Make Appointments for the Whole Family at Once

Scheduling everyone’s appointments for one trip can help in a few different ways. Not only does this save you from extra trips to and from the family dental clinic in Stamford, but it can also put your children at ease knowing that you and their siblings will be seeing the dentist as well. The added moral support of having family close by can make children less apprehensive about the ordeal.

Negotiate and Decide Upon a Reward Beforehand

Even if all the schmoozing in the world hasn’t quite won your kids over, ice cream usually does the trick. Not only is a reward such as a new toy, treat, or extended bedtime a powerful bargaining chip for children, it also gives them something to look forward to after the appointment. Throughout the appointment, if they begin to become weary, you can remind them of the reward that was pre-determined beforehand.

Arrive Early

Arriving 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment gives you ample time to get checked in, as well as letting your kids settle from the change of location and build nerve before meeting with the dentist.

Bring Entertainment

With any spare time, bringing extra toys, books, iPads or other forms of mobile entertainment can keep your kids busy and their minds off of the treatments. This is also helpful if several family members are going in for dental services at once.

Choose the Right Dentist

At the end of the day, a good dental clinic and DDS can make all the difference. When looking for a Family dental clinic in Stamford, you want someone who has experience with clients of all ages and years of experience. A family clinic will be able to provide for everyone under one roof, meaning less driving, fewer names to remember, and a better relationship with the practitioners.

At Newfield Dental we offer a wide variety of oral health and cosmetic treatments in Stamford CT to clients of all ages. Dr. Wong, Dr. Poon, and Dr. Chen, along with our staff of expert assistants and hygienists, are ready to accommodate all of your family dentistry needs. We pride ourselves on being the highest-rated clinic in Stamford and hope to provide you with nothing but excellent service and compassion during your next appointment.

If you are curious about family dentistry or are ready to start booking treatment appointments, do not hesitate to give Newfield Dental a call at (203) 883-6967 or visit our website to look through our services and book online.


While we take the steps necessary to open our practice to our patients, infection control has always been a top priority. Be assured we continue to actively monitor the recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) so that we are up-to-date and compliant with any new guidance that may be issued.

We want to tell you about the enhanced infection control procedures we are now following in our practice to keep patients and our team safe. Click the link below to learn about our highest levels of infection control when you visit our office for an appointment.

Enhanced Infection Control Procedures